Cost Reductions Lead to Company Sale
Annual Sales
in Debt

Red Ball, Louisville Kentucky
Manufacturer and distributor of athletic, sport, casual and all-weather shoes and boots. $200 million sales. $40 million debt.
- Well established design and manufacturing company for mass-market athletic, sport, casual and all weather shoes and boots was experiencing revenue and margin declines
- Equity ownership was concerned that the company niche was being threatened by offshore competition and that company’s long term visibility was being threatened
- Company was losing market to increased offshore competition
- Morris Anderson conducted a business viability assessment and concluded that the company’s business plan was sound, but that manufacturing and design controls were weak
- Morris Anderson recommended and implemented tighter controls for cash management, productivity measurement and enforcement and scrap reduction
- Outsourcing production to low cost producing regions was a midterm strategy required to lower unit costs and improve margins
- MorrisAnderson confirmed that cost reductions were achievable which stabilized profitability
- Cash flow and availability projected to be sufficient to fund operations
- Company was able to market itself successfully to a new equity sponsor